Buzzworthy news about Free Range Beehives

In Good Company: Free Range Beehives

Denver 7

For Mike Rosol, beekeeping is a second career after 30 years in the software field. "I really started the company because I wanted to do something to help the honeybee population here along the front range, which is under a lot of stress..."

Interview with the CEO

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Good Day Colorado

Colorado’s Very Own journalist, Spencer Thomas interviews co-founder David Mathias at Denver Urban Gardens. David walks through the bespoke beekeeping services for corporations and real estate owners across Denver, CO.

Major corporations are devoting time and money to saving the bee population

Denver 7
It really is amazing how much you can learn when a beehive is right in front of you. That's especially true when you have the help of someone like Mike Rosol. He's not just any beekeeper; he's attending to bees who live on the properties of major companies like Gates Corporation…

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Colorado’s biggest corporations are investing in saving bees

The Denver Post
IBM, Google and other corporations are dedicating budget lines to saving Colorado’s bee population, with hives at their in-state locations, in a business move that supports a critical part of the nation’s food-production system.

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Sweet! This company is trying to help bees through Denver's warmer winters

Like so many locals, bees head to Denver’s parks and other outdoor spaces in the spring and summer. Then in the cold months, they settle into their own hives, hibernating with the queen in the center, young bees in the middle…

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Inspiring Conversations with David Mathias of

A conversation with David Mathias, co-founder of Free Range Beehives. David reflects on why they built the company, the challenges they’ve faced bringing beekeeping to corporations, as well as what they do differently than other beekeeping businesses…

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A Colorado company is bringing bees to roofs across the Front Range

Colorado Biz
Free Range Beehive is a Best for Colorado company working to increase the environmental health of the Front Range through a buzzing concept. This company installs beehives on building roofs and maintains them for their customers. Their goal is to make buildings in Colorado greener…

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Colorado Public Radio installs beehives on roof

Colorado Public Radio is proud to share its headquarters with thousands of new residents. Three beehives have been installed on the roof of its building in Centennial, Colo., through a partnership with Free Range Beehives…

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